About Us

Time Space

It all started with a dream in mind. Slowly as time goes, we have decided to research and learn more about watches. The more we learn, the more we marvel. Inevitably, this becomes a cycle, drawing us to learn more, meet like-minded people, and possibly own some of these timepieces along the way and this is how Time Space is created. 

Time Space is by Appointment Basis as we believe that it will decrease customers wait time and increases satisfaction. Knowing who’s coming in ahead of time will help us in preparing the necessary things to accomodate to our customers.

Do message or whatsapp 96230819 to book your appointment in advance!



Time Space Pte Ltd  respects the privacy and confidentiality of customers as well as visitors’ personal data collected via our website.

The purpose of this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is to inform you that we manage personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012) of Singapore (“PDPA”).

Time Space Pte Ltd is SPF Exempted Second Hand Goods Dealer.
We are not an authorized dealer for products listed on this website and has no affiliation with any of the brands and product manufacturer. Please contact us if there is any unauthorized material found on this website. All product prices are subject to change without notice. Time Space Pte. Ltd. is a legally registered business entity and a licensed used watch dealer registered with the Singapore Authorities.